Friday, January 25, 2013

Canning Jar Lid Ornaments

I haven't done as much canning as I would have liked to these past few years.  My extended family, however, has been like a scurry of squirrels, stocking us for the winter.  We get wonderful Christmas gifts of salsa, jams, jellies, pickles and canned vegetables.  The only problem is the aftermath.

There's a mess of Kerr, Mason and Ball jars, popped lids and bands.  While the lids are for one-time use, they're still too good to throw away.  I'm like a trash collector, but this time it turned out to be a good thing.

I took some family portraits for my friend earlier this year.  I used the goofiest image I could find for this project, because those make me smile the most...They seem to spark the best memories.  I printed it with Photoshop and it took me awhile to get the shape right, but I cut it down with scissors.  There's obviously an easier way of doing this right in Photoshop, but 

I'm pretty sure I haven't seen this on Pinterest.  But I spend so much time on there that there's a definite possibility that I am wrong about that.  The only supplies required:

I used wrapping paper to decorate the other side and stickers to display the year.  I think when I make more, I'll continue to use wrapping paper but perhaps try scrapbook paper, too.  Also, I might try puffy paint or something instead of the stickers for my next batch.  I may also use them as gift tags next year, depending on how productive I have time to be.

By no means is it perfect, but the mess is off the counter top.  :)

Monday, January 14, 2013

White, Pink & Red

I love the Valentine's Day color scheme.  It's the only time of year when I can justify ignoring what my mother has told me since I started putting my own outfits together as a child: pink and red clash.  I honestly have not worn an outfit comprised of these two colors.  Ever.  I just might change that this year.

Anyway, I find combined shades of a color (ombre, if you will) very aesthetically pleasing, so naturally I love this color combo.  Pink and white alone are enough to fuel my girly jets, but the combination of this trio just makes the world right for a little while.  Plus, I'm kind of a drama queen.

Without further ado, here's my compilation of Valentine-y amazingness:

valentines day
Valentines day=]
Valentine Marshmallow Pops
Valentine's Jars with Heart Lids

valentine tree
giant paint chip valentine

Martha Stewart Crafts Recipe Box #Valentines

I'm in the mood to decorate now.  And bake and craft.  Oh, and put together that outfit, too.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Taking more photographs: Old Red Chevy

I like things.  I find old forgotten things (like this truck) and I get stuck on them.

This inspires nostalgia for old Christmases.  I'll have to work on next year's decorating,  using this as a color guide.  I'm led to believe that OurUnexpectedJourney is what I really used to connect this to Christmas.  

This might be my favorite.

Monday, January 7, 2013


A lot of people make resolutions for each new year, and leave them in the cold a few weeks later.  I'm not going to do that.  I am going to make a conscious effort to do a few things, though.  I've made a goal list for this year and I'm excited to work at it.

2013 Goals

- read at least ten new-to-me books
- finally graduate
- grow sunflowers
- set up a space to grow sunflower seed sprouts (they're healthy and delicious!)
- make more homemade gifts
- continue trying to eat locally grown meat/veggies
- take more photographs
- keep record of good memories/things I'm thankful for
- save more money than I spend
- go four-wheeling and camping more often
- make a Photo an Hour post once per month
- make applesauce with Adam's grandma's recipe
- plan a party (maybe welcome home, maybe house warming)

Photograph: Camping by Barriere Lake, British Columbia

Photograph from