Here are some examples.

Her follower Kristin's:
And here's mine:
It's actually silver, which you can tell from the one on the right.
To make your own, you'll need:
canvas (I only used an 8x10)
Elmer's glue
Q-tip (a toothpick would probably be helpful as well)
I followed Kelsey's tutorial with the exception of using hairspray to keep the glitter under control, like Kristin did.
First, I downloaded this template, resized it and printed. After cutting it out (and removing the body), I taped it to the canvas and traced it with pencil. Be sure to spread the glue evenly and be especially careful around the edges so the outline doesn't bleed. It took me probably six tries to get every spot glittered well, but it's totally worth it. He's a beaut!
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