Wednesday, January 4, 2012

(More) Goals for 2012

  • Put more effort into my appearance (covered in too much detail yesterday)
  • Paint my nails at least once per week
  • Take more walks
  • Get more tattoos
  • Read at least twelve books (almost done with Water for Elephants! Hunger Games is next. Thank you, Heather :-D)
  • Don't drink soda.  At all.  
  • Let go of the negative people in my life, even if they are family members
  • Thank people much more often
  • Save money
  • Dance around more often
  • Do what makes me (&Adam) happy and rise above the opinions of others
  • Get this in order to brighten and organize
  • Craft more
  • Get Remy the sister I always wanted her to have, provided the timing is right
  • Take more pictures, especially of the kids in my life who are growing up way too quickly
  • Take things lightly and just smile 
  • Get a family photo taken of my parents, brothers, me, my sister and all of the kids (even if I have to do it myself)
  • Bake more often/try new recipes


  1. I can't wait to hear how you like the Hunger Games! Make sure you read it before the movie comes out because I'm staking you as my viewing partner for that movie!
